... at reaching their objectives! After having started their studies earlier this year, more than 50 new MSc candidates are convening at the University of Salzburg for their getting-acquainted workshop. A mixed agenda of introductions, orientation sessions on curriculum / modules / learning platform / approaches to study, plus reflecting on motivations and objectives for their studies keeps everybody involved.
The main objective of the workshop of getting everyone off 'to a good start' into their UNIGIS MSc studies requires a clear focus on establishing communications and building a 'community of learning practice'. This year's group again has a diverse background from surveying, geography, computing, natural resources, planning, engineering and more - clearly demonstrating the transversal methodology focus of Geoinformatics.
UNIGIS degrees and certificates have an excellent record as key building blocks for 'geospatial' careers in industry, public service, NGOs and academia. The Salzburg UNIGIS team wishes all new students a successful start into this intensive phase of their lives, and reaching of all personal and professional objectives!