Sunday, February 26, 2012

Top academic credentials for UNIGIS Hungary alumnus

Ervin Pirkhoffer PhD (UNIGIS alumnus, 2004-2006) held his habilitation (’second doctorate’) lectures at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Pécs on February 16. The titles of the lectures were ”GIS Approaches in Modelling” (lecture for students) and ”Flash Flood Modelling” (scientific presentation in Hungarian and in English).

After acceptance of his professorial thesis, Ervin Pirkhoffer presented a scientific lecture on general features of flash floods and the impact of climate change on flash flood frequencies and magnitudes. Among the broad range of modelling approaches, he emphasized the findings of his research group. He outlined the strenghts of GIS applications in modelling and prediction from several viewpoints and presented risk maps produced by the research group using a ’rapid screening’ approach in ArcGIS environment. The monitoring system operated by the research group represents the basis for the development of a real-time forecast and warning system.

The cumulative rating for three lectures was 95 per cent, and the Defense Committee proposed granting of the title of habilitated doctor to the Doctoral and Habilitation Committee of the University of Pécs.

Dr Pirkhoffer is already the 2nd graduate from the UNIGIS Hungary programme continuing to achieve this highest academic qualification – Congratulations!