Date: Wednesday September23
Time: 4-5 pm (CEST)
U_Lecture 3DNL
Due to increasing complexity of spatial processes, decisions about the public space are becoming harder. Accurate and real-time 3D information is necessary to support effective and transparent decision making. Platform 3DNL is seeking to establish a national 3D Geo-Information Infrastructure in the Netherlands. Two initiators, Rob van de Velde (Geonovum, public sector) and Henk Scholten (Geodan, private sector), and PhD student Sanne Hettinga (VU Amsterdam) will reflect on their vision and work plan and explain why so many government agencies, companies and universities have committed their participation in the Platform. What are the challenges and opportunities in successfully implementing 3DNL and how will it strengthen the international position of the Netherlands.Presenters
Rob van de Velde is Director of Geonovum and Board Member of the Open Geospatial Consortium. Geonovum is responsible in The Netherlands for making public sector geo-information widely accessible and develops and maintains the required standards. For the development and maintenance of a national Geo-Information Infrastructure, Geonovum connects policy and practice.
Henk Scholten is founder and CEO of Geodan, one of the largest European companies specialised in Geo-IT. He is also Full Professor in Spatial Informatics at the Department of Spatial Economics, at the VU University Amsterdam, Director of UNIGIS Amsterdam and co-founder of UNIGIS International.
Sanne Hettinga is a PhD student at the VU Amsterdam university, studying the role of 3D data in environmental modeling (the project 3D for Environmental Modelling at the Maps for Society programme).